
The pyramids and tombs of Khemri were regarded as sacred places where the spirits of the dead resided in the afterlife. Tombs were often filled with riches and treasures to bring comfort to the dead in their final place of rest just as the dead themselves were elaborately tended to in preparation for eternal life. To prevent pillaging and the defiling of the deceased, many tombs were equipped with a series of deadly traps. Often these were simple devices intended to ward off would-be intruders, but in some cases intricate traps capable of horrible destructive power were found in the tombs of the wealthy and powerful. Warbands exploring the tombs must contend with these ancient devices, which are still poised to kill an unwary intruder. Often warbands will have to find alternate routes to the tombs or risk suffering great losses to these constructs of antiquity. However, some experienced tomb raiders are well versed in the manner and style with which the ancient people guarded their dead, and possess the ability to avoid and even disarm the traps that await them beneath the surface of the desert.

The ancient peoples of Khemri had many different designs for the traps they would set in the tombs. Over time, some of these have become ineffective as their parts slowly decompose. Some of the traps were quickly built, while others are built into the structure of the tombs, and are incredibly dangerous. Traps are therefore classified into three divisions:

Simple: These are traps that were quickly jury-rigged and easy to make. They will only ever affect the model that trips them, and cause a S3 hit.

Complex: These are traps that have remarkable destuctive power. Since the builders of the tomb wanted no one desicrating the holy ground within, the traps have the potential to hurt more than one model at a time. Some will activate each time they are triggered, and others will work only once, but to devastating consequences.

Dud: These are traps that have become useless over the ages. They will not work in any effective manner, and are therefore quite harmless.

The ratio of Simple:Complex:Dud traps is 3:1:1, in that the Simple traps were the easiest to build, and the ancient technology was such that very few of the traps would ever fail over time. A "deck" of traps will contain this ratio of the different trap types.

At the start of the game (before players have set-up their models or have determined which side of the board they will start on), each player rolls a D6. The amount rolled is the number of traps that that player can put onto the board. (Or there could be one D6 roll that applied to everyone, or just a set number included in the scenario/modifier to the # of traps as designated by the scenario). The trap counters must be drawn from the deck without anyone (including the player whose drawing) seeing what the trap is (trap-type faces down). The traps are placed on the board face down. Traps may be placed anywhere on the board, but no trap can be 2" or closer to another one. "Gamer's Sense" would dictate that traps would not be place in areas out of the way, but be placed in important passages or narrow spots where they would be difficult to avoid.

When a model was to move over a trap counter, then the player would test against his I. A passed test would mean that the model was able to either avoid the trap through skill or luck. A failed test means that the model was unlucky and has triggered the trap's detection mechanism, (anything from a trip-wire to a pressure-sensitive block). Turn the trap counter over, and reveal the nature of the trap. A dud is the best result, as this represents a useless trap, and no ill effect comes to the model. A simple trap causes an automatic S3 (4?) hit to the model, who must roll to W, with armour saves as normal. A complex trap means that the model has stumbled onto something really nasty. Roll a D12 to determine what the nature of the trap is:

2 - Boulder: A giant boulder has fallen from the cieling, and threatens the model beneath. The model must take another Ini test. A passed test means that the model has avoided the boulder. A failed test means that the model was too slow, and takes D3 S5 hits (no armour saves). The boulder will roll D6" in a random direction (down a narrow hall, 50/50, otherwise use a scatter dice). Any other models in its way will also have to test against Ini, failing will result in one S5 hit. This trap will only work once.

3-4 - Pit: As a model walks along, the floor suddenly opens up and the model drops D6 inches into a pit. Any other models 1" or closer to the pit must also roll against I, a failed test mean they fall into the pit too. Use the MH rules for falling. Models who find themselves still alive in the pit will also have to climb out. This trap will work only once, but there will be a pit (depth determined by the original roll) in the tunnel.

5-6 - Arrows: The model triggers a hail of D6 arrows (S3). Roll a D6 for each arrow:

1-3 Hit
4-6 Miss

Any arrows that miss the model may hit nearby models, (within 2") If there is one model within this range, then it must roll on the Hit/Miss chart for every arrow that misses the original target. If there are multiple targets, then divide the misses among them (starting with the closest, and continuing outwards). Any further misses will have hit the opposite wall. This trap will work multiple times, so any models that walk over the trap counter again must also test against their Ini.

7 - Swinging Blades: As the model passes by, large razor-sharp blades swing out from the wall. The model must make another Ini test, or receive 2 S5 hits (armour saves as usual). Should the model have stopped on the trap counter on his movement, he will have to test against Ini at the beginning of his next turn or suffer a further 2 S5 hits. This trap will strike any model that passes over it with a failed Ini test.

8-9 - Poison Gas: The model is assaulted by a blast of poison gas. The gas will cause D3 S4 hits as the model gasps for air. Any other models within 2" will also receive a dose of the gas (one S4 hit). Any models immune to poison will receive no effect.

10-11 – Fire Trap: A pillar of fire blasts out from the wall, engulfing the model and any others nearby. The model immediately receives a S5 hit, and on a roll of 4+ will count as being on fire. Models within 2" must roll a D6, on a score of 4+ they are also on fire. (See fire rules in TC #7).

12 - Collapsing walls: The walls close in on the model, threatening to crush him entirely! The model must make an additional Ini test. If successful, the model is quick enough to dodge the trap, (and if the model had stopped on the trap counter, move it 1" to either side). If the model fails the Ini test, the walls crush him between them. The model will receive 1 S8 hit. Once the walls collapse, they immediately open up again, ready for the next unwary intruder to activate them.


Spot/Disarm trap: This hero is able to detect the traps in the tombs with relative ease. A character who possesses this skill will never set off traps himself (but may be subject to their effects if he is too close to one if it goes off). Also, he can also attempt to disarm any traps he comes upon. He must stop at the trap on his Movement, and may do nothing else that turn. If disarming a Simple trap, he must roll a 6+, or he is unsuccessful. If disarming a Complex trap, he must roll an 8+, or he will be unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, he must roll against his own Ini. A failed test means he has inadvertently set off the trap himself! You can take this skill multiple times (limit 4), and reduce your roll by 1 each time, (so a Simple trap would disarm on a 2+, a Complex on a 4+.

Set Trap: A Hero who possesses this Skill will be able restore Dud traps or previously de-activated traps back into active traps. To determine what a Dud trap becomes, roll a D6: 1-4: Simple, 5-6: Complex. Obviously a previously disarmed trap will revert back to what it was. He must also test against the Difficulty of the trap (Simple:6, Complex:8). A failure will mean that the trap has failed to activate a success means that it will work. This skill can also be taken multiple times (4 max) to decrease the difficulty of arming (re-arming) traps.

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