

Ankus(elephant goad) This is used to primarily herd elephants. It may be used as a spear, when charged and a staff in hth.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: Strike first (only when charged), concussion

Jambiya: The common curved dagger of araby. Everyone gets one free.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: +1 enemy armor save

Katar (punch dagger): It has a handle perpendicular to the blade and is used by punching with it.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: -1 enemy armor save

Scythe: Normally used to cut hay but works just as well to cut bodies

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: Cutting edge, Two Handed

Cutlass: A regular sword but with a basket handle that can be used for a punch attack

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: Parry, extra punch attack if hit is successful

Great Scimitar: This scimitar is commonly used by headsmen and is a large heavy version of a regular scimitar.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: +2; Special Rules: two-handed, Strike last, Cutting edge

Scimitar: This is a curved sword but tends to be sharper than a regular sword.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: as user; Special Rules: parry, Cutting edge

Bagh Nakh (tiger claws): Basically brass knuckles with spikes sticking out.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: +1; Special Rules: -1 enemy armor save, pair, cumbersome

Tufenk: this is a blowpipe that projects Greek fire about 10 feet causing burning damage.

Max Range: 8’; Strength: 1; Special Rules: may fire every other turn, fire (If you hit roll a d6, on a 4+ your opponent is set on fire. They must roll d6 each recovery phase, on a 4+ they put themselves out or suffer a S4 hit and can only move each turn they are on fire. Allies may try to put them out. They must be in base to base contact and need to roll a 4+. [as fire arrow rules in TC #7] Vs mummies they are Strength 3 and on a 2+ the mummy catches fire)

Magical Equipment

Genie lamp grants three wishes roll d6 on each chart. Each time you roll on the good side you have to roll on the bad side. You may also use your wishes to have the Jinn fight for you. Each time you do this you lose d3 x10 gc. If you can’t pay him, he takes on warrior at random for his slave.




Gain d6 experience points

Nothing Happens


Gain one skill from your skill list

Nothing Happens


Gain d6x10 gc

Lose d6x10 gc


Gain an extra hero even if it is above your maximum

Lose d6 weapons


Gain an extra henchman

Lose the lamp


Roll twice more on this chart

Nothing Happens


Monkey’s paw – grants wishes per Lamp but have to roll once on the bad side and there is no Jinn.




Gain d6 experience points

Lose d6 experience points


Gain one skill from your skill list

Lose one skill from your skill list


Gain d6x10 gc

Lose d6x10 gc


Gain an extra hero even if it is above your maximum

Lose a hero


Gain an extra henchman

Lose a henchman


Roll twice more on this chart

Lose the paw


Carpet – counts as mount allows movement of 16" no restrictions on terrain. Toughness 3 wounds 2: when one wound is gone movement is ˝. You can move onto roofs and other high places with no penalty. If the carpet is taken OOA the rider(s) fall taking damage. After the game roll on the henchman chart to see if the carpet survived. If the carpet is attacked by fire and taken OOA it is destroyed, No roll on the henchman charts. The carpet may carry up to 3 men or one large creature and a man. One of the riders must be a character


Sword of unholy turning 70GC

Rules: Str as user   Parry   Special: see below

Special Rules: if the wielder  OOA a unit see what happens of the injury table after the game... if the unit dies then that unit has been turned into a zombie and joins your warband.


Vanguards 40gc

this is a customized crossbow. It fires wooden stakes. This is a potent weapon against Vampires.

Range 24" Str4 move or shoot Special: x2 wounds against Vampires

Special Rules:
The Vanguard is a deadly weapon in the hands of a highly skilled marksmen. Many a Nosferatu have fallen under this bahpomet of a weapon
If the target of your Vanguard is a Vampire. You have the option to aim for the heart. If so. The roll a D6 with a -modifier. If you wound the Vampire the wounds are doubled...


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